In London and ready to explore the city?

Store your luggage with LuggageHero and start exploring the city hands free!

Or choose from our top picks!

Start your day by visiting Tate Modern.

Easy luggage storage

Store your luggage near Tate Modern.

Enjoy the view from the Tower Bridge!

Luggage storage London

Store your luggage near the Tower Bridge.

Arriving from Gatwick airport?

Mishandled Luggage 2019

Store your luggage near Victoria Station.

Arriving from Heathrow airport?

luggage storage in NYC Airport

Store your luggage near Paddington Station.


Pourquoi LuggageHero?

Plus de 1000 emplacements de confiance

Arrivez à tout moment pendant les heures d’ouverture

Protection avec une couverture allant jusqu’à

Aucune limitation de taille ou de poids


Tarifs horaires et journaliers

Consigne à bagages
à partir de /sac

+1M de sacs stockés en toute sécurité 4.7 (200k+)

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