
Perché LuggageHero?

Più di 1000 sedi affidabili

Arriva in qualsiasi momento durante l’orario di apertura

Protezione con copertura fino a

Nessuna limitazione di dimensioni o peso

+1M borse conservate in sicurezza 4.7 (190k+)


Tariffe orarie e giornaliere

Deposito bagagli
da /bagaglio

Copenhagen Marathon

Are you ready to celebrate the 40th Copenhagen Marathon? LuggageHero offers luggage storage in more than 50 locations around Copenhagen. We’ve got your bag while you enjoy all of the 42 km of running “hassle-free”.

In collaboration with Copenhagen Marathon, LuggageHero has made sure that several locations will open up in time for you to drop off your bags before heading to the run of your life. You’ll find the start and finish line at Islands Brygge on the 19th of May.

We’ll look forward to cheering for you.


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