Copenhagen Coronavirus Updates
Copenhagen Coronavirus Updates

Copenhagen Coronavirus Information


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Now when travelling is on the rise and more travelling restrictions are being lifted, we recommend for your comfort  and stress free to download our LuggageHero bag storage app where you can see all our locations for luggage storage in Copenhagen as well as see the latest updates on Covid-19.

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On this page you can find the latest information on airports, public transport, attractions and rules and regulations. We’re committed to keeping you informed so you can take the necessary measures and be one step closer to getting back to your normal life or get back home safely once the coronavirus in Copenhagen is no longer a threat.



Governmental Rules and Restrictions in Copenhagen

Here you can find the main rules and latest updates on the current travelling restrictions in Copenhagen.

Is it safe to travel?

Latest Covid-19 Travel Articles


Covid-19 News  


  • Hundreds of Danes Protest against Covid restrictions in Copenhagen. 

    “At least eight people were arrested at an anti-COVID demonstration in Copenhagen on Saturday as Danes protested the government’s handling of the pandemic.

    Several hundred people took part in a protest in the Danish capital organized by the “Men in Black” activist group.Continue reading here


How to safely store your luggage during the COVID-19 pandemic

Visit our “How to safely store luggage” page to check the regulations for a safe arrival at your destination, and to make sure you’re safe while you drop your luggage at one of our certified shops.

Copenhagen Coronavirus News


  • Denmark’s new quarantine entry requirement begin 
    Read here >
  • Denmark eases travel restrictions: EU tourists can now come to Denmark
    Read here >
  • Denmark pushes ahead with “vaccine passports”
    Read here >
  • Corona in Denmark
    Read here >


Copenhagen Airport Information

Official websites are doing a great job at keeping travelers well updated and at providing the latest information on the Copenhagen Covid-19 situation. You can read about the impact of coronavirus on your travel arrangements on the official websites of Copenhagen’s Airport.

The number of flights from Copenhagen Airport significantly decreased but the airport is still operating and supporting the airport traffic.

Check with your airline company to find out about any alterations to your travel plans. The Danish Government advises all passengers to avoid long-distance travel unless absolutely necessary.

Find out more here:

Find out more about travel restrictions in Copenhagen here.


Copenhagen Public Transport

Public transport in Copenhagen is still operating, despite the Copenhagen Covid-91 situation.

Plan your journey and read more about coronavirus in public transport here:


Copenhagen Attractions

Famous old Nyhavn port in the center of Copenhagen; Copenhagen iconic view

Most Copenhagen attractions have started to reopen. Check our luggage storage Copenhagen guide and LuggageHero sites in Copenhagen, If You are ready to explore and travel again.


What to do while currently in Copenhagen

  • Read/Write

If you’re at home, you probably have a shelf full of books that you’ve always wanted to read but never got to. Or perhaps you have some texts that you’ve saved on your phone under “read later.” This is the perfect time to take your mind off the current stressful situation and dive into a literary world, at least for a an hour or two a day.

Also, writing or keeping a journal and getting those thoughts and feelings out on paper can be a true stress reliever during times like these.

  • Keep the communication going with your loved ones

You can use this time to reconnect with your loved ones through different video options online. Keeping everyone up-to-date about yourself, making sure everyone is healthy and well and “making someone’s day” by giving them a good laugh is a great way to maintain strong relations even when you cannot physically spend time together.

Virtual coffees and dinner dates with a friend, family member, a loved one, or a “double-date” even with another couple is the thing to do during these corona times. Why not enjoy someone’s company while everyone stays in the comfort of their home? Times like these sometimes ask us to adapt to another lifestyle, but why not make the best of it?

  • Yoga/Stretching

As we all know, keeping active is crucial to our well-being. When you’re stuck inside for a longer period of time and running or going to the gym is no longer an option, yoga and stretching are the way to go. These are activities you can do on your own floor or balcony. There are many videos online that you can follow while doing these activities, and you can also tune into live-stream yoga classes available online.

  • Take a walk on the beach

One of the many great things about Copenhagen, besides beautiful architecture and charming streets with cosy cafes, bars and restaurants, is that the beach is very close. Right in the city! You can take a beautiful uninterrupted walk on the beach, feel the fresh air and enjoy the calming sound of waves. Oh, and you can avoid people! Amagerstrand Park is a perfect place close to the city where you can reconnect with nature.


protect yourself from coronavirus

The entire LuggageHero team wishes you good health and positive vibes!

We all need to take the measures in Copenhagen seriously in order to flatten the curve and prevent coronavirus from spreading. In these times we can see, that the actions of every individual matter. If coronavirus can spread so fast, how about a smile and love? Take care of yourself, take care of others.


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