Staynuovo offers accommodation for:
- For people searching immediate accommodation.
- For people searching accommodation for summer/fall travel.
At Nuovo, it is believed that the world would be better if everyone knew home is not a place, but a feeling. Driven by this belief, Staynuovo are committed to their guest’s comfort, happiness, health, and welfare.
50% off discount
As Staynuovo have been monitoring the developments of the Coronavirus, they made the decision to help out people in need of isolation by offering then a 50% fully flexible rate for stays over 14 days!
During these difficult times, at Staynuovo they want everyone, no matter where they are, to feel safe and comfortable, just like they are at home.
If you value authenticity, immersing in the city life, having flexible itineraries, and feeling at home, NUOVO is the right choice!
The best way to currently contact NUOVO is by visiting their webpage and filling out the form, or directly emailing them on their email.
COVID-19 Update: Extremely long wait times if you call us. We urge you to skip the wait by emailing us at Stay Safe!
To access the contact form for NUOVO, visit this page.