Bagageopbevaring Herald Sq

Fra $3.55/taske

+1M tasker sikkert opbevaret 4.7 (210k+)


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fra $3.55/taske i New York City


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Bagageopbevaring i Herald Sq


Går du rundt og skal opbevare din bagage i nærheden af Herald Sq? Bare rolig, vi hjælper dig! 

Aflever dine genstande på en af LuggageHeros bagageopbevaringssteder lige rundt om hjørnet.

Hos LuggageHero tilbyder vi sikker og billig bagageopbevaring. Alle vores butikker er certificeret af LuggageHero. Og husk, LuggageHero er den eneste bagageopbevaringsservice, der tilbyder både time- og dagspris for maksimal fleksibilitet. 

Use our map to find the nearest certified shops in New York City :

33rd Street Station

The 33rd Street Station is part of the PATH system and is a terminal station. The station is located at the corner of 32nd and 6th Avenue in Midtown Manhattan’s Herald Square, and is served by the Hoboken–33rd Street, Journal Square–33rd Street (weekly) and Journal Square–33rd Street (nights, weekends and holidays).

Connections to :

-M7, M34 and M55 New York City Bus

-New York City Subway

-At Penn Station -> AMTRAK, NJT Rail and LIRR railroad

Things to do near The 33rd Street Station:

Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is an Art Deco-style skyscraper located in the borough of Manhattan.It is located in the Midtown District at 350 5th Avenue, between 33rd and 34th Streets.
It is the third building in New York City by its antenna height (443.2 meters). The Empire State Building is one of New York’s most famous symbols. On the 86th floor, an observatory open to the public offers an impressive panoramic view of New York City.
In addition, the Empire State Building is present in numerous films and television series set in New York. The most famous production of the building takes place during the film King Kong when the gorilla climbs to escape its pursuers.

Madison Square Garden

Madison Square Garden is a sports hall located in the borough of Manhattan.Historically, there have been four buildings that make up Madison Square Garden. The first two were located at the northeast corner of Madison Square. A new 15,000-seat Garden was built in 1925 on 50th Street and 8th Avenue, and the current Garden was built in 1968 on 7th Avenue between 31st and 33rd Streets.
Currently, the Garden hosts the games of some professional and university teams, for example basketball, the New York Knicks (NBA) or ice hockey, the New York Rangers (NHL).

Manhattan Mall

Manhattan Mall, one of the few traditional indoor shopping malls in New York City, is located on 33rd Street and Sixth Avenue in the borough of Manhattan. Today, the shopping center is still a shopping hotspot in New York


Koreatown is a neighborhood in the borough of Manhattan. The district is located in the Midtown district and refers to the Korean people who live in New York, but mostly refers to the shops and restaurants that are mostly run by Koreans.

How do I get to Manhattan from La Guardia Airport?

Metro: You can take the Q70 bus to get off at the Victor Moore stop. You can then move to Manhattan on the E and F lines.

Bus: The M60 bus line passes through each airport terminal before leaving for Manhattan.

Car: You can pick up your rented car at the counter of the corresponding agency which is located within the airport. It takes 30 minutes to reach the centre of Manhattan.

Shuttle: They are located in their parking area within the airport and drop off their travellers at the door of their hotel.

Taxi: The ride from La Guardia Airport to central Manhattan will take you about 40 minutes.


LuggageHero er den ENESTE bagageopbevaringsservice, der tilbyder dig et udvalg af time- eller dagspriser i Herald Sq.

En fast sats på $5.99 pr. dag og $1.35 pr. time giver dig mulighed for at vælge en mulighed, der passer bedst til dine behov. Hvis du kun planlægger at blive et par timer i en by, hvorfor så betale for en hel dag, som du ville gøre hos andre bagageopbevaringstjenester. 

Halv pris sammenlignet med skabe på stationer og i lufthavne

Bagageskabe, også kaldet byskabe, er generelt mindst dobbelt så dyre på daglig basis sammenlignet med LuggageHeros bagageopbevaringsservice. Indtil for nylig har rejsende kun kunne opbevare deres kufferter i disse bagageskabe, hvilket giver meget lidt fleksibilitet med hensyn til priser, hvor de skal hen og muligheden for bagagedeponering.

LuggageHero tilbyder også butikker utallige steder, så du altid har mulighed for at aflevere din bagage i sikre omgivelser. I modsætning til bagageskabe på stationer og i lufthavne tilbyder LuggageHero både time- og dagspriser. LuggageHero stræber efter at tilbyde fleksibel og billig bagageopbevaring i nærheden af dig til enhver tid. 

Vi opbevarer al slags bagage – enhver størrelse og enhver form i verificerede butikker

LuggageHeros brugere kan opbevare bagage af enhver størrelse og/eller form i enhver af vores opbevaringslokationer. Det er lige meget, om det er skiudstyr, fotoudstyr eller rygsække. Du kan med andre ord få bagageopbevaring, kuffertopbevaring, bagagedepot eller hvad end vores tilfredse kunder kalder det på en sikker måde, da vi tilbyder det hele. LuggageHeros kunder kan vælge at blive opkrævet pr. time eller vælge vores dagspris, uanset hvad de vil have opbevaret.

Vi kan opbevare din bagage i flere dage

LuggageHero tilbyder også flere dages opbevaring, fordi vi ved, at fleksibilitet er afgørende, når du rejser.

LuggageHero tilbyder en lavere dagspris, når du opbevarer din bagage i en længere periode. Fra dag to og efterfølgende betaler vores kunder kun $5.99 pr. taske pr. dag.

Download LuggageHeros gratis bagageopbevaringsapp:

For at gøre det nemmere kan du downloade LuggageHeros app, hvor du kan se alle vores lokationer i nærheden af dig.

Brug LuggageHero hvor som helst med den officielle app for iPhone og Android


Vi har en række butikker med forskellige åbningstider, så vælg den, der passer dig bedst! Vælg en butik her for at se åbningstiderne.

Hvilke betalingsmetoder accepterer I?

Vi accepterer alle gængse kreditkort. Vær opmærksom på, at butikkerne ikke modtager kontanter ved brug af LuggageHero, og husk at forsikring af din bagage kun er gyldig, hvis betalingen er foretaget direkte til LuggageHero.

Annullering af booking

Ved annullering og udeblivelser samme dag vil der være et gebyr svarende til dagstaksten på $5.99 pr. taske.

Se hvorfor, KnockKnock anbefaler at opbevare din bagage med LuggageHero. Også omtalt i The New York Times, Lonely Planet og CNBC.

Frequently Asked Questions about the 33rd Street

How can I find the nearest LuggageHero storage location near the 33rd Street ?

To find the location closest to you, you can go to the LuggageHero website and click on book now by entering all your information. Or you can download the LuggageHero app to make your booking easier.

What's the price for storing luggages with LuggageHero ?

Dropping off your baggage with LuggageHero will cost you $1 per hour and never more than $6 per day.

Are my bags safe in Manhattan?

Yes, your bags can be completely safe if you use the LuggageHero storage service. All locations are personally checked by employees and there is high insurance offered on each bag.

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