Bagageopbevaring Gare d´Austerlitz

Fra €3.55/taske

+1M tasker sikkert opbevaret 4.7 (210k+)


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fra €3.55/taske i Paris


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Bagageopbevaring i Gare d´Austerlitz


Går du rundt og skal opbevare din bagage i nærheden af Gare d´Austerlitz? Bare rolig, vi hjælper dig! 

Aflever dine genstande på en af LuggageHeros bagageopbevaringssteder lige rundt om hjørnet.

Hos LuggageHero tilbyder vi sikker og billig bagageopbevaring. Alle vores butikker er certificeret af LuggageHero. Og husk, LuggageHero er den eneste bagageopbevaringsservice, der tilbyder både time- og dagspris for maksimal fleksibilitet. 

You can store your bags with one of our luggage storage locations just around the corner and enjoy your day in Paris hassle-free.

LuggageHero storage sites are certified hotels, cafes, and shops. Advance bookings ensure space for your bags. The address and directions to our storage locations are available at the time of booking. All bags are insured up to once you have dropped off your bags and started our storage timer on your booking page.

Gare d’Austerlitz

Gare d´Austerlitz (or the Paris-Austerlitz) is one of the largest railway stations in Paris, with approximately 30 million travellers passing through the train yearly. It’s located in the city’s southeastern end and is the start of the Paris-Bordeaux railway.

The original station was built in 1840 and it was the main station near the Quai d’Austerlitz, hence the name (named after a Czech town once known as Austerlitz). 

The station was then demolished in 1862 and rebuilt in 1869 with the railway line extended towards the city center. A part of the station, with its classical facades and its gorgeous glass roof, is classified as a historical monument.

The station is currently going through a restoration which is planned to be finished in 2020. The construction of new platforms and refurbishment of tracks is on its way. The trains currently provide intercity and night services.

If you find yourself at the Gare d’Austerlitz with hours between train rides, you have the option of leaving your bags at one of our storage locations near the station so you can use your day wisely.

By dropping off your bag near the station, you have instant access to tourist locations close by like Pont d’Austerlitz and Jardin de Plantes.

You can also store your bags at any one of our luggage-storage locations across Paris and visit some of the most popular tourist locations such as Les Chatelet Halles, Place de la Bastille, Louvre and The Eiffel Tower.

Turn your travel day into a Paris holiday while we hold onto your luggage.

Use our map to find the nearest certified shops in Gare d´Austerlitz


LuggageHero er den ENESTE bagageopbevaringsservice, der tilbyder dig et udvalg af time- eller dagspriser i Gare d´Austerlitz.

En fast sats på €5.99 pr. dag og €1.35 pr. time giver dig mulighed for at vælge en mulighed, der passer bedst til dine behov. Hvis du kun planlægger at blive et par timer i en by, hvorfor så betale for en hel dag, som du ville gøre hos andre bagageopbevaringstjenester. 

Halv pris sammenlignet med skabe på stationer og i lufthavne

Bagageskabe, også kaldet byskabe, er generelt mindst dobbelt så dyre på daglig basis sammenlignet med LuggageHeros bagageopbevaringsservice. Indtil for nylig har rejsende kun kunne opbevare deres kufferter i disse bagageskabe, hvilket giver meget lidt fleksibilitet med hensyn til priser, hvor de skal hen og muligheden for bagagedeponering.

LuggageHero tilbyder også butikker utallige steder, så du altid har mulighed for at aflevere din bagage i sikre omgivelser. I modsætning til bagageskabe på stationer og i lufthavne tilbyder LuggageHero både time- og dagspriser. LuggageHero stræber efter at tilbyde fleksibel og billig bagageopbevaring i nærheden af dig til enhver tid. 

Vi opbevarer al slags bagage – enhver størrelse og enhver form i verificerede butikker

LuggageHeros brugere kan opbevare bagage af enhver størrelse og/eller form i enhver af vores opbevaringslokationer. Det er lige meget, om det er skiudstyr, fotoudstyr eller rygsække. Du kan med andre ord få bagageopbevaring, kuffertopbevaring, bagagedepot eller hvad end vores tilfredse kunder kalder det på en sikker måde, da vi tilbyder det hele. LuggageHeros kunder kan vælge at blive opkrævet pr. time eller vælge vores dagspris, uanset hvad de vil have opbevaret.

Vi kan opbevare din bagage i flere dage

LuggageHero tilbyder også flere dages opbevaring, fordi vi ved, at fleksibilitet er afgørende, når du rejser.

LuggageHero tilbyder en lavere dagspris, når du opbevarer din bagage i en længere periode. Fra dag to og efterfølgende betaler vores kunder kun €5.99 pr. taske pr. dag.

Download LuggageHeros gratis bagageopbevaringsapp:

For at gøre det nemmere kan du downloade LuggageHeros app, hvor du kan se alle vores lokationer i nærheden af dig.

  • App screenshot
  • App screenshot
  • App screenshot
  • App screenshot
  • App screenshot

Brug LuggageHero hvor som helst med den officielle app for iPhone og Android

Download on the ios App Store Get it on Google Play


Vi har en række butikker med forskellige åbningstider, så vælg den, der passer dig bedst! Vælg en butik her for at se åbningstiderne.

Hvilke betalingsmetoder accepterer I?

Vi accepterer alle gængse kreditkort. Vær opmærksom på, at butikkerne ikke modtager kontanter ved brug af LuggageHero, og husk at forsikring af din bagage kun er gyldig, hvis betalingen er foretaget direkte til LuggageHero.

Annullering af booking

Ved annullering og udeblivelser samme dag vil der være et gebyr svarende til dagstaksten på €5.99 pr. taske.

Se hvorfor, KnockKnock anbefaler at opbevare din bagage med LuggageHero. Også omtalt i The New York Times, Lonely Planet og CNBC.

Frequently Asked Questions about Gare d'Austerlitz

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about Gare d'Austerlitz

Can I store my luggage at Gare d'Austerlitz?

There are luggage lockers at Gare d'Austerlitz if you want to leave your bags for a day or less. The left lockers are open from 6:15 h to 23:30 h. There is also an X-ray check at the entrance. The lockers may be affected by the restoration currently going on at the station, so it is advised you check the situation beforehand. You can also safely store your luggage at one of the many luggage storage locations just outside Gare d'Austerlitz which allows for a pay-by-the-hour service and maximum convenience since you can chose to store your bags right beside your desired Paris attractions near the station.

Where can I store my luggage in Paris?

There are many places to store luggage in Paris. Most train stations and airports provide luggage storage facilities. Also, luggage storage companies that have several locations in and around Paris are becoming increasingly popular. If you wish to store your bags with a luggage storage company, you can look at its map to locate convenient and nearby locations that store luggage.

How do I find luggage storage near me?

It is easy to find storage lockers nearby if you search online for a luggage storage company. You can find sites where you can quickly locate a storage locker nearby. This is easy to do because luggage storage companies have maps that show exactly where their different storage locations are throughout the relevant city.

What is the price to store luggage in Paris?

Most luggage services in and around Paris charge their customers for an entire day. However, some newer luggage storage services provide customers with another pricing system, where they charge customers by the hour instead.

How do I get from Paris Austerlitz to Gare du Nord?

Paris metro has a vehicle that operates from Gare d'Austerlitz to Gare du Nord every 10 minutes. The journey takes approximately 15 minutes and costs 2€.

What to do near Gare d'Austerlitz?

1. L’Apporteur de l’espoir Sculpture 2. Le Viaduc d'Austerlitz 3. Galeries de Paléontologie et d'Anatomie comparée 4. Pont Charles-de-Gaulle 5. Musee Art Ludique 6. Jardin des Plantes 7.

How far is the Eiffel Tower from Gare de Lyon?

The Eiffel Tower is approximately 22 minutes away via Quai d'Orsay (6.2 km)

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