Consigne à bagages Union Station Washington

À partir de $3.25/sac

+1M de sacs stockés en toute sécurité 4.7 (210k+)


Tarifs horaires et journaliers

Consigne à bagages
à partir de $3.25/sac à Washington DC


Pourquoi LuggageHero?

Plus de 1000 emplacements de confiance

Arrivez à tout moment pendant les heures d’ouverture

Protection avec une couverture allant jusqu’à

Aucune limitation de taille ou de poids

Consigne à bagages Union Station Washington

Vous vous promenez et vous avez besoin de déposer vos bagages à proximité de Union Station Washington ? Ne vous inquiétez pas, on s’en occupe. 

Déposez vos affaires dans l’une de nos consignes à bagages LuggageHero situées au coin de la rue.

Chez LuggageHero, nous proposons une consigne à bagages sécurisée et pas chère. Toutes nos boutiques sont certifiées par LuggageHero. Et n’oubliez pas : LuggageHero est le seul service de consigne à bagages qui propose un tarif horaire et journalier pour une flexibilité maximale. 

Are you looking for luggage storage at Union Station? You can store your bags with one of our bag storage locations around the station and explore Washington DC hassle-free.

LuggageHero storage sites are certified hotels, cafes, and shops. Advance bookings ensure space for your bags. The address and directions to our partner shops are available at the time of booking. All bags are insured each piece of luggage for once you have dropped off your bags and started our storage timer on your booking page.

You can see all of our locations on the map below:

Download our free Union Station luggage storage app here:

You can download our LuggageHero luggage storage app where you can see all our locations around Union Station. Your days of wasting time searching for luggage lockers are over!

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Utilisez LuggageHero n'importe où avec l'application officielle pour iPhone et Android

Download on the ios App Store Get it on Google Play

Is there a difference between left luggage and luggage storage?

Left luggage is luggage that people have left in a designated luggage storage facility. The term ‘left luggage’ is mostly used in the UK. Luggage storage is a storage facility where people leave their luggage. Luggage storage is the most common term used internationally when referring to storing luggage.

In other words, left luggage and luggage storage are synonyms, hence there is no difference between the two phrases. They are both defined by people’s need to store luggage, which can be collected at a later time. So whether you are looking for left luggage or luggage storage, LugaggeHero is here to take care of your belongings.

Union Station

Union Station is Washington’s main station, with more than 25 million visitors per year.

Union Station DC is a mixed-use center with 3 levels of shops and restaurants and parking with 4 levels, we find all types of transport. Located just minutes from the American Capitol, this historic space has become a must-see. The terminal is served by the commuter railways Amtrak, METRO, MARC, and VRE, and is the main bus terminal of Washington DC as well as a drop-off and pick-up center for a large number of tourist bus companies.

Things to do near Union Station, Washington DC

Union Station is one of the busiest stations in the world, and its location in downtown DC makes it an ideal starting point for visiting the city’s many historical sites, attractions, and other activities.

  • Its shopping center

The Union Station Shopping Center has about a hundred stores of clothing, jewelry, gifts, toys, souvenirs, and more. The dining area offers all kinds of snacks and international dishes. There is also a cinema on the lower level and regularly, various events and cultural exhibitions are organized.

  • Smithsonian National Postal Museum

The Smithsonian National Postal Museum allows visitors to learn the amazing history of the American postal service. We see it evolving as we go along to see it become the service we know today. This museum is located on the lower level of the former post office building right next to Union Station.

  • Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

This museum is one of the most impressive in the city, as you visit it you will see the largest collection of historic planes and spaceships in the world. The collection is huge with over 60,000 pieces of equipment including gliders, airliners, spacesuits, rockets, and much more. The collection is very impressive since much of the equipment is unique and has marked the history of aviation.

By accepting you move away from the Station you will discover the landmark monuments of the city of Washington:

  • The National Mall

In the heart of the city, this park is a must-see in D.C. Located between 2 other must-see spots of the city, the Washington Monument and the Capitol, the National Mall is a living history and heritage center, as it is lined with numerous museums, monuments, and memorials.

  • The White House

You can visit the White House and some unusual places like the park during a tour supervised by rangers. You can’t visit everything of course, but the rooms open to the public are a nice representation of this must-see D.C.

  • The Lincoln Memorial

Lincoln Memorial is located next to the National Mall. It is a white marble building that contains a statue of Abraham Lincoln as impressive as the building.

  • National Museum of Natural History

The museum contains more than 125 million specimens of all kinds, rocks, meteors, plants, and animals. It also contains the famous and very popular Hope de la Couronne de France diamond

  • The Washington Monument

The Washington monument offers a 360-degree view from its summit and today this monument has become a symbol of the United States.

Union Station Luggage Storage

It does not have baggage storage facilities at Union Station, Washington, DC. Amtrak may keep your baggage but it is not self-service, so the baggage is left at the checked baggage counter.

This can be a very annoying option that requires organization if you have a lot of luggage (visiting the city with bags and suitcases is not pleasant). That’s why you can use an alternative like LuggageHero where you can store your bag for only $1 per hour! The ceiling is only $8 per day per bag, so you will never pay more than that. It is a much less annoying and very fast solution thanks to the application or internet that finds deposit points close to you.

Airport near Union Station

In Washington, there are three airports, Washington-Dulles International Airport, Baltimore-Washington International Airport, and Ronald Reagan National Airport. The last one is the closest airport to Union Station.
You can get there easily with several transport options:

  • The airport metro stop is served by the blue and yellow metro lines.
  • By taxi, it takes between $12 and $18 to get to the city center.
  • On weekends, the 13F and 13G bus lines can drop you off in the Arlington area and downtown.
  • SuperShuttle and Go Airport Shuttle drop off passengers with shuttles where they want. Prices vary depending on the distance.
  • You can also drive there if you have rented one.

Store your bags with LuggageHero

Unlike similar options, all our shops in Washington have been reviewed by a LuggageHero employee. We further insured for up to 3000$. You will not find any other luggage storage providers in Washington that offer the same perks. If you are having issues or problems in Washington, our online customer chat support is available for you 24/7.

Check out why KnockKnock recommends storing your baggage with LuggageHero here!

Here is how you book luggage storage at LuggageHero

Ready to book your luggage storage in Washington? Wherever you are in the city, choose from our locations and find a bag storage location on our luggage storage booking engine.

storing luggage in ChicagoLuggage storage chart

Based on the chart below, LuggageHero is the best luggage storage option in Washington DC. LuggageHero the only one that offers both hourly and daily prices with the possibility of insurance. Luggage storage in Washington DC has never been so easy!

The chart is created based on the most popular luggage storage options.

  • Name
  • Pricing models
  • Insurance
  • Flexible arrival
  • Reviews
  • Name
  • Pricing models
  • Insurance
  • Flexible arrival
  • Reviews
  • LuggageHero
  • Daily, Hourly, & multi-day
  • Up to $3,000
  • Yes
  • +200.000
  • Name
  • Pricing models
  • Insurance
  • Flexible arrival
  • Reviews
  • NannyBag
  • Daily
  • Up to $1100
  • No
  • 27,802
  • Name
  • Pricing models
  • Insurance
  • Flexible arrival
  • Reviews
  • Vertoe
  • Daily
  • Up to $5000
  • No
  • 4,708
  • Name
  • Pricing models
  • Insurance
  • Flexible arrival
  • Reviews
  • Radical Storage
  • Daily
  • No
  • No
  • 900


LuggageHero est le SEUL service de consigne qui vous permet de choisir parmi des tarifs horaires ou journaliers à Union Station Washington.

Un tarif de $5.40 par jour et de $1.35 par heure vous permet de choisir l’option qui vous convient le mieux. Si vous ne prévoyez de ne rester que quelques heures dans une ville, pourquoi payer pour une journée entière, comme vous le feriez avec d’autres consignes à bagages ?

Moitié prix en comparaison des consignes des gares et des aéroports

Les casiers à bagages, également appelées consignes de ville, sont généralement au moins deux fois plus chers sur une base journalière que le service de consigne de LuggageHero. Jusqu’à récemment, les voyageurs ne pouvaient mettre leurs sacs que dans ces casiers à bagages offrant très peu de flexibilité quant aux prix et lieux de dépôt des bagages.

De plus, LuggageHero propose des boutiques dans de nombreux endroits afin que vous ayez toujours la possibilité de déposer vos bagages dans un environnement sûr. Contrairement aux consignes à bagages des gares et des aéroports, LuggageHero propose des tarifs horaires et journaliers. LuggageHero s’efforce de toujours offrir des consignes à bagages flexibles et bon marché près de vous. 

Nous acceptons toutes sortes de bagages, de toutes tailles et de toutes formes dans des boutiques vérifiées

Les utilisateurs de LuggageHero peuvent déposer des bagages de toutes tailles ou de toutes formes dans nos consignes. Peu importe qu’il s’agisse de matériel de ski, de matériel de photo ou de sacs à dos. Autrement dit, quel que soit le nom que nos clients satisfaits lui donnent – dépôt de bagages, entreposage de valises, consigne à bagages, etc. –, vous pouvez profiter de ce service en toute sécurité, car nous nous adaptons à tous vos besoins.

Les clients de LuggageHero peuvent choisir d’être facturés à l’heure ou d’opter pour notre tarif journalier, indépendamment de ce qu’ils déposent.

Vous pouvez laisser vos bagages pour plusieurs jours

LuggageHero propose également un dépôt de plusieurs jours parce que nous savons que la flexibilité est essentielle quand on voyage. LuggageHero diminue le tarif journalier lorsque vous déposez vos bagages pour une période plus longue.

À partir du deuxième jour, nos clients ne payent que $5.40 par bagage et par jour.

Téléchargez l’appli gratuite de consigne à bagages LuggageHero :

Pour plus de facilité, vous pouvez télécharger l’appli LuggageHero. Vous y trouverez tous les lieux que nous mettons à disposition autour de vous.

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Utilisez LuggageHero n'importe où avec l'application officielle pour iPhone et Android

Download on the ios App Store Get it on Google Play

Horaires d’ouverture Nous avons une variété de boutiques avec différentes heures d’ouverture, donc choisissez celle qui vous convient le mieux.

Choisissez votre boutique ici pour voir les horaires d’ouverture.

Quels sont les modes de paiement acceptés ? Nous acceptons les principales cartes bancaires.

Notez que les magasins n’acceptent pas les espèces lorsque vous utilisez LuggageHero, et rappelez-vous que l’assurance de vos bagages n’est valable que si le paiement a été effectué directement auprès de LuggageHero.

Annulation d’une réservation

Pour les annulations le jour-même ou en cas de non-présentation, les frais sont équivalents au tarif journalier de $5.40 par sac. Regardez pourquoi KnockKnock vous recommande de déposer vos bagages à l’aide de LuggageHero. Également cité dans leNew York Times, Lonely Planet et sur CNBC.

Frequently Asked Questions about Union Station

What can I do at Washington Union Station ?

When you arrive at Union Station, a multitude of activities are available to you. You have access to a shopping centre, a restaurant, a cinema or different activities and events depending on the time you go there.

Is there baggage storage at Union Station ?

There are no public lockers in the station but Amtrak can keep your luggage. Only, they are not self-service.Baggage is left at the checked baggage counter.

Are there restrooms at Union Station ?

Yes, There are public toilets in the station, you can also go to the shopping center to access toilets.

Is the Wifi available at Union Station ?

Yes, Wifi is available at Union Station

What can I do near Union Station ?

By being at Washington Main Station, you can get anywhere in the city easily. If you want to stay close to the train station you can visit American Legion Freedom Bell, the National Postal Museum, the Columbus National Fountain, the National Guard Memorial Museum and many more.

How can I find the nearest location for storing luggage?

To find the nearest location to you, you can visit the LuggageHero website and click book now. Apart from that, you can download LuggageHero's app for even more convenience when booking your luggage storage on the go.

What is the price to store luggage at Union Station?

Most luggage services charge their customers for an entire day. However, LuggageHero provides its customers another pricing system - we charge by the hour, $1 per bag.

Where is the luggage stored?

Luggage storage sites are located inside existing businesses, including retail outlets, hotels, cafes, and more. All are vetted by LuggageHero’s local employee, who performs regular quality checks. Every piece of luggage is stored away from any public access every time.

Insurance and safe luggage storage

In the collaboration with First Marine Insurance Ltd., we are proud to be covering each piece of luggage free of charge every time you use our luggage service. The premium insurance is optional, you can easily add it when making your booking and it will cover your bags for up to $3,000/€2500 while being stored. On the other hand, if you decide not to add insurance, there is always a guarantee of $500. Make sure you do not pay cash in a drop-off/pick-up shop, because insurance will not cover any bookings that are not paid directly through LuggageHero

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