Luggage Storage New York City
From $3.19/Bag
+1M tasker sikkert opbevaret 4.7
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Bagageopbevaring i New York City
Du er lige landet i New York City lufthavn, og du vil i gang med din dag? Det kan være svært, hvis du ikke kan tjekke ind på dit opholdssted eller hotel med det samme, og dine kufferter er en klods om benet på dig. I stedet kan du nemt opbevare din bagage hos New York City.
Næste gang du er i New York City, så husk at LuggageHero er her for at redde din dag! Tjek kortet nedenfor for at finde de mest belejlige steder at opbevare din bagage, og husk LuggageHero er den eneste bagageopbevaringsservice, der tilbyder time- og dagspriser for maksimal fleksibilitet.
Aflever dine kufferter ved at bruge LuggageHeros netværk af lokale butikker og hoteller beliggende i New York City.
Bagageopbevaring har aldrig været nemmere! Bare gå til LuggageHeros reservationsside for at finde et praktisk opbevaringssted i en butik eller en anden virksomhed – alt sammen verificeret af os. Ved hjælp af vores kort kan du finde butikker tæt på transportknudepunkter og de største turistattraktioner og opbevare din bagage der.
Travelers can leave their luggage with LuggageHero in NYC by making use of its network of more than 130 local shops (coffee shops, souvenir shops, restaurants, bike shops, etc.) all spread across important traffic hubs as of 2024. These include Grand Central Terminal, Port Authority Bus Terminal, Penn Station, Times Square, MetLife Stadium, Madison Square Garden, and Yankee Stadium. Whether you’re strolling around Manhattan, or you’re right in the middle of Times Square, you can always find a place to store your luggage near you. Make sure to check out JFK and Penn Station luggage storage options for convenient and secure storage of your belongings.
Best luggage storage in New York City
Luggage storage in New York has never been quicker, easier, and more affordable than it is now. If you ever wonder where to store luggage in NYC or look for bag luggage storage options in New York, you should know that LuggageHero users have the option to be charged by the hour or day, unlike most locker storage NYC rentals or facilities, which ONLY offer daily rates. This gives our customers more flexibility to simply store luggage for a few hours without having to pay for a full day.
We also offer a reasonable daily price, and luggage can, of course, be stored for multiple days. On top of that, you don’t need to know when you’ll be picking up your luggage! Your left luggage can stay there for as long as you need it to.
Major and popular stations in The Big Apple 2024
Penn Station, also known as Pennsylvania Station and New York Penn Station, is a huge underground railroad station in NYC. In 2024, around 600,000 tourists and New Yorkers would pass through it daily, making Penn Station one of New York’s busiest stations. Penn Station Port Authority Bus Terminalis located in Midtown Manhattan, which is relatively close to the Empire State Building and Macy’s Herald Square. You can find our luggage storage locations just around the corner from the station. Penn Station itself does not store luggage and there are no Penn Station lockers either.
Grand Central Station, also known as Grand Central Terminal, is a rail terminal in Midtown Manhattan, NYC. The terminal is located at 42nd Street and Park Avenue. The terminal contains a connection to the New York City Subway at Grand Central-42nd Street. Grand Central Terminal itself doesn’t offer a luggage storage service so you have to leave the terminal to find a luggage storage location to store your bags at. Luckily, we have a LuggageHero store just 300 meters from Grand Central Station.
Times Square is located in the Midtown Manhattan section of New York City and the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. It is a highly prioritized destination for millions of travelers visiting New York every year and the atmosphere there is unique. The demand for luggage storage in Times Square can get quite high which is why it is important whenever you can to reserve a spot for your left luggage – and you can easily do that with LuggageHero’s storage options.
Port Authority Bus Station is the most used gateway for buses going to Manhattan in New York and to New Jersey. The terminal is located in Midtown at 625 Eight Avenue between the two streets 40th Street and 42nd Street. This location is conveniently close to Times Square. Drop off your items at one of our luggage storage locations just around the corner. Overnight storage can easily be handled. Please note that Port Authority Bus Terminal itself does NOT offer luggage storage, just like the above-listed major stations.
Other popular destinations in New York
New York, as one of the most walkable cities in the US, has many popular destinations to which you do not want to spend your energy carrying your luggage in and around:
- LaGuardia Airport
- Times Square
- The Empire State Building
- Central Park
- Brooklyn
- Manhattan
- Newark Airport
Whatever you choose, we’re there to lighten your load so you can enjoy The Big Apple and all that it has to offer without wasting time searching for luggage locker rentals in NYC. You can now stop searching for “luggage store near me”, “locker storage near me”, “storage lockers near me”, “storage locker near me” and “luggage storage near me” next time you are in New York City.
Simply go to the LuggageHero booking platform or through LuggageHero’s app to locate a convenient storage site inside a verified shop or other business. From the map service, you can find the nearest Subway stops and find the most convenient venue to drop off luggage in NYC.
Luggage storage NYC: safety
Luggage storage in NYC can be fairly safe but it depends on which public lockers services you are using. Some services offer insurance for your luggage but not all of them. When it comes to carrying around luggage in NYC it depends also on where you are. Some spots in New York are safer than others. The safer spots include Tudor City, Carnegie Hill, Battery Park City, Beekman, Sutton Place, and Roosevelt Island.
Harlem has a long reputation of not being particularly safe, but the good news is that it is becoming safer and safer over the years. Some spots become more dangerous at night such as Upper Harlem. Central Park is generally safe for tourists, especially now that cars cannot enter the park. However, it is advised that you don’t enter the park alone after dark as nighttime can bring some dangerous elements to it.
Battery Park City is considered one of the safest spots in New York and one of the best to raise a family in. Unlike some other locations, Battery Park City is considered safe even at night. Brooklyn is also considered generally safe to visit as a tourist during the day. However, some parts such as East New York, Vinegar Hill, Fort Greene, Williamsburg, DUMBO, and Crown Heights do have a bit more crime than some other safer parts of NYC. The safest parts of Queens are Malba, Belle Harbor, Fresh Meadows, and Upper Ditmars.
It is important to try to avoid pickpockets in NYC, especially in the subway. To minimize the possibility of your wallet being stolen – always keep it in your front pocket, preferably zipped up. You need to also ensure your phone is not easily accessible to anyone other than you. Stay tuned to your environment and always be aware of where your wallet and phone are.
2024 Guide: Luggage Storage New York City
We made it easy for you to compare all the companies offering luggage storage and lockers in New York City – take a look at the list in our Luggage storage guide NYC. This way, you can come to your own conclusion as to which service is best for your travel and luggage storage needs in New York City.
This Guide Includes all major companies offering luggage storage in NYC, including discount vouchers.
You can find different alternatives to storing your luggage while you enjoy yourself in New York. Most airports and railway train stations don’t offer to store luggage due to safety precautions. Don’t worry – there is always an alternative
Lonely Planet endorses LuggageHero:
By Lonely Planet:
You can now drop off your luggage for safe-keeping in shops, pubs, and cafés across New York – 130 locations
“LuggageHero lets you store your luggage in a local shop, café, or hotel, which is often more convenient than having to go to a storage facility at a train station.”
Lastly, if you want to read more about LuggageHero or the luggage storage business in general, then you can read the following article written by the New York Times here. Or for real love travelers find out our other guide for the routes you can visit in order to find the best of London by clicking here.
Check out why KnockKnock and recommend storing your baggage with LuggageHero! Also been featured in The New York Times, Lonely Planet, and CNBC.
LuggageHero er den ENESTE bagageopbevaringsservice, der tilbyder dig et udvalg af time- eller dagspriser i New York City. En fast sats på $5.40 pr. dag og $1.19 pr. time giver dig mulighed for at vælge en mulighed, der passer bedst til dine behov. Hvis du kun planlægger at blive et par timer i en by, hvorfor så betale for en hel dag, som du ville gøre hos andre bagageopbevaringstjenester. Al bagage er dækket mod skader, tab og tyveri, og du får en sikkerhedsplombering, hvis du vælger at tilføje det til din reservation.
Halv pris sammenlignet med skabe på stationer og i lufthavne
Bagageskabe, også kaldet byskabe, er generelt mindst dobbelt så dyre på daglig basis sammenlignet med LuggageHeros bagageopbevaringsservice.
Indtil for nylig har rejsende kun kunne opbevare deres kufferter i disse bagageskabe, hvilket giver meget lidt fleksibilitet med hensyn til priser, hvor de skal hen og bagagedeponering. LuggageHero tilbyder også butikker utallige steder, så du altid har mulighed for at aflevere din bagage i sikre omgivelser. I modsætning til bagageskabe på stationer og i lufthavne tilbyder LuggageHero både time- og dagspriser. LuggageHero stræber efter at tilbyde fleksibel og billig bagageopbevaring i nærheden af dig til enhver tid.
Vi leverer løsningen på dit problem med opbevaring af din bagage i verificerede butikker
LuggageHero er her for at frigøre dig fra din bagage, så du kan udforske New York City uden dine tasker. Bare gå til vores bookingplatform og find det nærmeste og mest praktiske opbevaringssted i en butik, på et hotel eller en anden virksomhed.
Alle vores lokationer i New York City og vores andre byer er verificeret af os. Ved hjælp af LuggageHero-kortet kan du nemt finde de butikker, der er tættest på metrostationer og attraktioner og opbevare din bagage der.
Vi opbevarer al slags bagage – enhver størrelse og enhver form
LuggageHeros brugere kan opbevare bagage af enhver størrelse og/eller form i enhver af vores butikslokationer. Det er lige meget, om det er skiudstyr, fotoudstyr eller rygsække. Du kan med andre ord få bagageopbevaring, kuffertopbevaring, bagagedepot eller hvad end vores tilfredse kunder kalder det på en sikker måde, da vi tilbyder det hele. LuggageHeros kunder kan vælge at blive opkrævet pr. time eller vælge vores dagspris, uanset hvad de vil have opbevaret.
Vi kan opbevare din bagage i flere dage
LuggageHero tilbyder også flere dages opbevaring, fordi vi ved, at fleksibilitet er afgørende, når du rejser.
LuggageHero tilbyder en lavere dagspris, når du opbevarer din bagage i en længere periode. Fra dag to og efterfølgende betaler vores kunder kun $5.40 pr. taske pr. dag.
Download LuggageHeros gratis bagageopbevaringsapp:
For endnu mere komfort og nemhed kan du downloade LuggageHeros bagageopbevaringsapp. Der kan du se alle vores lokationer i nærheden af dig.
Vi har en række butikker med forskellige åbningstider, så vælg den, der passer dig bedst! Vælg en butik her for at se åbningstiderne.
Hvilke betalingsmetoder accepterer I?
Du behøver ikke bekymre dig om at have den rigtige valuta ved hånden, når du betaler online. Vi accepterer alle gængse kreditkort. Butikkerne modtager ikke kontanter ved brug af LuggageHero. Forsikring af din bagage er kun gyldig, hvis betalingen er sket direkte til LuggageHero.
Er der forskel på bagageopbevaring og opmagasinering af bagage?
Opmagasinering af bagage og bagageopbevaring er grundlæggende det samme. Opmagasinering af bagage bruges kun få steder. Bagageopbevaring er det mest almindelige navn, der bruges når der henvises til opbevaring af bagage. De er begge defineret af folks behov for at opbevare bagage, der kan afhentes på et senere tidspunkt. Så uanset om du leder efter “opmagasinering af bagage” eller “bagageopbevaring”, er LuggageHero her for at tage sig af dine ejendele.
I modsætning til andre bagageopbevaringstjenester er alle vores butikker i New York City blevet gennemgået af en LuggageHero-medarbejder. Vi leverer valgfrie sikkerhedsplomberinger til hvert stykke bagage, og hvert stykke bagage og dets indhold kan forsikres for op til
Du finder ikke andre udbydere af bagageopbevaring i New York City, der tilbyder det samme.
Hvorfor booke bagageopbevaring i New York City med LuggageHero?
- Bekvemmelighed: Vi er den eneste service, der tilbyder både time- og dagsmuligheder, så du kan vælge det, der passer bedst til dine planer, til den mest overkommelige pris!
- Fleksibilitet: Fra opbevaring natten over til blot et par timer, er vores bagageopbevaringsmuligheder så fleksible, som de kan blive! Vi har endda nogle butikker, hvor du ikke behøver en reservation. Klik her for at tjekke hvilke butikker.
- Overkommelige priser: Vores bagageopbevaringsfaciliteter tilbyder den bedste værdi for pengene
- Tillid: Vores service har de bedste og de fleste anmeldelser på markedet.
Annullering af booking
Ved annullering og udeblivelser samme dag vil der være et gebyr svarende til dagstaksten på $5.40 pr. taske.
Skema over bagageopbevaring
Baseret på skemaet nedenfor er LuggageHero den bedste bagageopbevaringsmulighed i New York City. LuggageHero er de eneste, der tilbyder både time- og dagspriser med mulighed for forsikring. Bagageopbevaring i New York City har aldrig været så nemt!
Skemaet er lavet ud fra de mest populære muligheder for opbevaring af bagage.
Download vores gratis app
For at gøre det nemmere kan du downloade vores LuggageHero bagageopbevaringsapp, hvor du nemt kan se alle vores lokationer i New York City. Med vores bagageopbevaringsapp er du i stand til at opbevare dine kufferter hvor som helst på vores 1000+ lokationer.
Rabatkoder – Klik her for at se, om vi har nogen tilgængelige i øjeblikket til New York City.
Se hvorfor, KnockKnock anbefaler at opbevare din bagage med LuggageHero. Også omtalt i The New York Times, Lonely Planet og CNBC.
Frequently Asked Questions about New York City
Here are Some of the Most Frequently Asked questions about Luggage Storage in New York City.
What’s the best way to get around?
The best and cheapest way to get around New York City is by using the subway. Fares are less than $3. For a week in New York, it’s a good idea to get an “Unlimited” 7-day Metrocard if you’re planning on taking it often. And free apps like Google Maps and Citymapper will have you navigating the subway like a local in no time.
Is the New York City subway safe?
The NYC subway is considered safe. Four million people use the subway every day, and the crime rate is actually low. The rate has been dropping rapidly since the 1990s and now in 2022, it is lower than ever.
Is New York City safe as a whole?
While New York City is sometimes portrayed as unsafe, it is actually safer than you might think. The crime rate in New York city is much lower than the national average. The only thing to really watch out for is pickpocketing so make sure you always keep your phone and money in a safe place. On top of that, New York City never sleeps which means there is usually always somebody around you and you're rarely really alone.
When is the best time to visit New York City?
Every season and time of the year offers something different to see in New York and there really is no bad time to visit the city. If you’re looking to keep your New York trip under budget, consider visiting in the late fall and winter when the price of New York travel is cheaper. If having a nice time under the sun is more important to you then spring and summer are the seasons for your trip to the Big Apple. However, with so many incredible museums, shows, and other activities, the cold won’t bother you anyway.
What's the best neighborhood to stay in New York City?
As usual it depends on your taste. Greenwich Village: Quirky and central, Greenwich Village is full of great bars and restaurants. It’s easy to get from here to other parts of the city. Plus it’s near Washington Square Park, one of the best people-watching places in town. The Upper West Side: The proximity to Central Park makes the UWS one of the best neighborhoods in New York. Close to major subway stops, it also makes navigating New York a breeze. Williamsburg: The hipster soul of New York, Williamsburg (in Brooklyn) offers tons of things to do—without the Manhattan price tag. It’s connected to Manhattan by the Williamsburg Bridge, which means it’s still easy to get into the city. Park Slope: Park Slope is a residential but exciting part of Brooklyn—it borders beautiful Prospect Park, and is in close proximity to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens and the Brooklyn Museum. Plus, there are tons of great restaurants, bars, and shops.
How expensive is New York?
While New York can get quite expensive there are also ways to visit on a budget and not spend as much. Many museums in New York are based on donations, for example, and they often have “free” days. Plus it’s easy to grab a classic New York meal—a bagel with cream cheese, or a slice of pizza—for only a few dollars.
What are the best museums to visit in New York City?
It depends on your taste and what you're interested in but The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History are among the city’s best and most-visited. However, if you can, talk to a New Yorker who loves museums to get a true sense of what’s worth checking out.
Which New York City airport is the best to fly into?
The best airport for you depends on where you are staying in New York. However, JFK: JFK is in Jamaica, Queens. A taxi from JFK to Manhattan costs a flat fee of $52, but be sure to only take official yellow cabs. An Uber will probably run you $55 or more for this route. Just remember: this flat fee only applies to trips from JFK to Manhattan—not vice-versa! LaGuardia is in northern Queens, relatively close to Manhattan. Many of the options from LGA are the same as JFK: you can take a taxi, Uber, or use public transportation. Newark-Liberty is located in Newark, NJ—about 15 miles from NYC. The EWR AirTrain will take you to NJTransit or Amtrack trains (both of which go straight into Manhattan); you could also Uber or take a taxi.
How much does a 3-day trip to New York cost?
To see a lot of the city in just 3 days, we suggest you buy a ticket for a 2-day (or 3-day) Hop-on, Hop-Off bus tour. TIP: There are a few tourist passes, like the CityPASS and the Smart Destinations Build Your Own Pass that can save you up to 25% even if you are here for a short stay.
Is the NY subway safe at night?
Taking the subway in NYC isn't like taking the tube at night in London, but it's very safe. Just remember to use your street smarts, as you would in any large city and everything should be fine.
Is Brooklyn safe at night?
Brooklyn may have a tough reputation, but most of it is fairly safe, though visitors should always be careful walking around late at night on lightly trafficked streets.
Is New York more expensive than London?
The cost of living is about equal, with New York City being slightly more expensive. According to, you'd need about $7,748.16 to maintain the same standard of life in New York that you could have in London for about $6,050.47.
How can I find the nearest location for storing luggage?
To find the nearest location to you, you can visit the LuggageHero website and click book now. Apart from that, you can download LuggageHero's app for even more convenience when booking your luggage storage on the go.
Insurance and safe luggage storage
In the collaboration with First Marine Insurance Ltd., we are proud to be covering each piece of luggage free of charge every time you use our luggage service. The premium insurance is optional, you can easily add it when making your booking and it will cover your bags for up to $3,000/€2500 while being stored. On the other hand, if you decide not to add insurance, there is always a guarantee of $500. Make sure you do not pay cash in a drop-off/pick-up shop, because insurance will not cover any bookings that are not paid directly through LuggageHero.
Can I cancel my booking with LuggageHero?
Of course! We know that plans can change, therefore our customers have the option to cancel their booking up until midnight of the day before without any charges. For same-day cancellations and no-shows, there will be a fee which equals the daily rate of $5.40.
LuggageHero i nyhederne
"LuggageHero, which offers online booking with a credit card — thus, eliminating the need for users to have local currency on hand — is one of the most recent players to expand its services. In December the company began operating in New York, where today it has some 250 locations."
"One solution is LuggageHero, which was already on the scene in Copenhagen and London, and has now expanded into New York. Its selling point is that it lets you store your luggage in a local shop, café or hotel, which is often more convenient than having to go to a storage facility at a train station."
"LuggageHero, which Jannik Lawaetz founded in 2016, currently has more than 300 storage locations in six cities (New York, London, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Madrid and Barcelona) and plans to expand to 39 cities by January 2020."
"LuggageHero founder and chief executive Jannik Lawaetz says that the concept was inspired by that mother of invention — necessity — and Airbnb. A couple of years ago, he and his girlfriend rented an apartment in Barcelona via the home-share service. They had a later flight on their day of departure and wanted to continue exploring the city, but didn't want to lug their suitcases around. "